Road Restraint Systems are designed to reduce the severity of injuries if a vehicle leaves the carriageway and would otherwise encounter a hazardous feature (such as on-coming vehicles, an embankment, a lighting column, trees, etc.).
The Course Module shares key aspects of Road Restraint System (RRS) Design Process, RRS Examples, Innovations and RRS Standard Details. Please see the Promotional Course Videos for a quick flavour.
The first module covers all types of RRS systems like flexible system, semi-rigid barriers, rigid barriers and bridge parapet. It also covers RRS family such as vehicle restraint system and pedestrian restraint system. It covers RRS appraisal process and various situations where RRS would be a preferable solution like embankment, cutting, single hazards, culverts, etc.
The second module covers Road Restraint System terminologies such as containment levels, working width, set back distance, types of terminals, Length of needs, etc
The third module covers Road Restraint System examples, visibility criteria, transition barriers, etc.
The fourth volume covers lesson learnt in various cases such as missing working width, missing set back, missing transition barrier and broken terminals. It also covers Innovative solution like Rolling Barriers, Crash Cushions and Noise Barriers.
The fifth module covers Road Restraint System standard details of the concrete barrier, steel barrier, wire rope barrier and terminals.
1. Welcome to Online Exam for Road Restraint System Design
2. Total Time for Exam is 60 Minutes 3. No Negative Marking Best of Luck for your Exam |
Exam available after course completion |
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